A Function for Manually Adding Cover Art Images to Albums Has Been Added

I got an automated e-mail asking if this was all the same an issue, and to reply hither this has not been resolved.

Yes, this is nonetheless an issue. No, it has non been resolved.  No, there is no workaround, fifty-fifty via third political party apps, as far as I am aware.

Yes, the new improved user experience is withal unacceptable.

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What exact album art functionality practise you hateful? The following even so works fine on my Windows x system: copy an paradigm (for example from the web with Microsoft Border), go to WMP, correct-click an album art placeholder in the library, and select Paste album art.

Regarding your Mp3tag event, make certain that its MPEG tag options are gear up to write ID3v2.3 and *not* ID3v2.iv. WMP/Explorer don't support ID3v2.4.

Tim De Baets

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It's working now.

The Mp3tag MPEG tag option is set to write ID3v2.3. It still wipes out what's shown in WMP.

I was able to add album art for the ripped CD that had the incorrect info. The small and larger jpgs for the CD had been placed in the same folder as the sound files (every bit was common do in the past). After copying the larger image for the comprehend both jpg files disappeared and are no longer visible in the folder. Folder view options are for general and subconscious files are to exist displayed. Seems as though copying the one of these files into the album has acquired WMP to motion them...somewhere.

Where?  Want to get them back. I had no idea WMP would MOVE when information technology said COPY.

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Allow'southward take a stride back... What's the file type of the affected music files? (I automatically assumed MP3 merely that might not be the case.)

Also, what exactly do you mean with 'copying the larger epitome for the cover'?

Tim De Baets

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File type is irrelevant. I take washed both MP3 and FLAC. The original issue that set the scenario was because the orret anthology info could not be establish, and instead of using none pulled in album info and art from the wrong album.

I accept had the same issue with MP3 and FLAC.

As to a higher place, I was able to update and copy in art at last. File blazon is FLAC in this instance. As mentioned before. File type is irrelevant. I have done this in the past for wav, mp3, wma, and flac.

"copying the larger image for cover"

WMP has used two image files for art in the past, and still does every bit every bit far as I know.

AlbumArtSmall.jpg (75*73 px)

Folder.jpg   (200*195 px)

(there are other supported files, such as AlbumArtLarge.jpg,etc)

Nosotros could at in one case but place images with these filenames into the same folder as the audio files and they would get picked upwardly and used every bit art for the album when adding them to the library. That no longer works. This is one matter I tried and was THE Style to practise this in years past.

With these two files in the same folder as the sound files:

Open the folder that has the audio files in Explorer

Right-click Folder.jpg
Select Copy

Go back to WMP

Click to open the album in question

Right-click over the displayed anthology

Select Paste anthology art
Album art is updated

BOTH jpg files disappear in explorer (become hidden)

Where are these files? (seem to however be there)

How do I know?

If I try to copy in files of the same file names there is a popup to replace them. Changing view options allows them to be seen. The binder is prepare to general in explorer.

Too much info? Of grade it is.

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Good to hear that yous were able to solve the album art result. And yes, for the Binder.jpg and AlbumArt*.jpg files to appear, Explorer needs to exist prepare to testify hidden files and folders equally well every bit protected system files in Folder Options.

Tim De Baets

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Thanks!  Showing protected system files does indeed betrayal the art files.  Not something that should be left that way for general use though. I'thousand good.

As a side annotation, I discovered that MANY ripped albums were placed in incorrect folders, with consummate albums being embedded inside other unrelated artists' folders, fifty-fifty if I don't have any album by those artists.

For case:


I exercise non own any Audioslave CDs and have never ripped one. I did rip Supernatural.

This is simply one of many that are not in the correct folder.  There are 19 other bands that have albums that were ripped and placed under Audioslave. The simply time I've seen this is when directories were accidentally dragged and dropped into others. Withal, that doesn't announced to exist the case unfortunately.

I'm not looking for a solution...manually moving them to the correct place has already been washed. I'll exist keeping an heart on any new rips to encounter where they stop upwards and will open a split up thread if it repros. (not expecting information technology to)

I mention it here because I'm wondering if that may exist a upshot of are a potential crusade of the original problem (David Gilmour and Friends CD existence mistaken for Keith Richards Crosseyed Heart).

Thank you for your assistance.

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A few days ago I could right click on an album in Groove and ask to take the meta data updated and I could choose from the found on web data for my album.  that was great.  Now that is non working afterward the Groove update.  Please bring that feature back.

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